European Health Data Space: A quantum leap forward – how InteropEHRate helps
InteropEHRate has been focusing on a range of approaches to health data collection by citizens/patients themselves, mainly through the use of mobile phones and mobile apps.
Learn about concrete examples of how InteropEHRate’s work can enable the practical implementation of the European Health Data Space, and come and contribute to its 28 September 2022 final conference!
What the European Health Data Space has to offer
“This is a truly historic step forward towards digital healthcare in the European Union”, declared Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Stella Kyrakides on 3 May 2022 on the release of documentation about the European Health Data Space.
A key objective of the European Health Data Space (“space”) will be to put people in control of their own health data in their own country or cross-border.
This access to and control of their own health data has always been one of InteropEHRate’s ground-breaking activities. In the words of its own mission statement, “Electronic health records [EHR] in people’s hands across Europe”!
What the European Health Data Space announces
One of the major benefits that citizens can expect thanks to the future space are that:
“People will have immediate, and easy access to the data in electronic form, free of charge. They can easily share these data with other health professionals in and across Member States to improve health care delivery. Citizens will be in full control of their data and will be able to add information, rectify wrong data, restrict access to others and obtain information on how their data are used and for which purpose.”
The 100+-page proposal put forward by the European Commission is now being discussed by the European Council and the European Parliament. At the same time, plenty of stakeholder groups, associations, and projects are also exploring what the space will mean for them. One of them is InteropEHRate.
What InteropEHRate proposes
InteropEHRate has been fiercely keen on a range of approaches to health data collection e.g., by citizens/patients themselves using different technologies and methods. Chief among them is the use of mobile phones and mobile apps in data collection and sharing. Much of InteropEHRate’s own work can act as an enabler to advance the practical application of the space for both primary and secondary uses of health data.
Similar to the proposed space, InteropEHRate has concentrated on issues related to user experience, privacy, security, semantic interoperability, and standardisation.
Much practical work has been done by the project, including the running of pilots in Belgium, Greece, Italy and Romania.
Reaching the completion of its work at the end of September 2022, InteropEHRate has focused on the development of open protocols to share data through the use of mobile phones and knowledge and data mapping tools for health care providers and research centres.
Now is your opportunity to hear direct from InteropEHRate about all its enabling achievements. Come and contribute to its 28 September 2022 final conference to be held in Liège, Belgium. Find out more about how InteropEHRate’s work can enable the practical implementation of the European Health Data Space.
To find out more:
- Look at these videos
- Browse these blogs: InteropEHRate in a nutshell and “Le patient”: showcasing InteropEHRare as a solution for travelling patients
- Read in more detail InteropEHRate’s three White Papers:
August 2021: A general White Paper
“Unleashing personal health data for care and research” – a general overview to InteropEHRate’s work on citizens’ health data:
Evidence shows that a citizen-centric approach to data sharing is already feasible today. This citizen-centric approach functions in a highly complementary way to healthcare system-centric data sharing models. It liberates the power of citizen’s health data for all sorts of benefits.
December 2021: A White Paper with a focus on research
“Real-world evidence in health and care research” – InteropEHRate’s vision for data collection for research purposes.
This approach enables citizens to share health data with research centres without a direct intermediary and directly from their own smartphone. The White Paper shows how citizens/patients can get involved in collecting real-world health data and contribute to distributed clinical trials. It provides a great way for citizens to boost innovation.
May 2022: A White Paper with a focus on interoperability
“Towards interoperable health data” – With a focus on semantics, this White Paper explores what are the important current standards and what are InteropeEHRate’s proposed solutions to some barriers.
By applying human-centred methodologies, it is shown how the workforce needs to get involved with data collection/sharing and what the future role of citizens is likely to be.