Towards a citizen-centric health data sharing approach for care, research and beyond
InteropEHRate Final Conference – Liège, 28 September 2022
Presentation of the InteropEHRate project
- Enabling citizen-centric EHR data sharing – Francesco Torelli, InteropEHRate technical coordinator (Engineering, Italy)
Session 1: InteropEHRate solutions for health care data-sharing
- How does a citizen get access, control and share health data? [VIDEO] – Vincent Keunen (Andaman7, Belgium)
- How does a healthcare professional give and take health data? [VIDEO]- Adrian Bradu (SIMAVI, Romania)
- The CHU Liège InteropEHRate pilot [VIDEO] – Patrick Duflot (CHU Liège, Belgium)
- Interoperability profiles for health data sharing – Marcel Klötgen (Fraunhofer ISST, Germany)
Session 2: InteropEHRate solutions for health research data-sharing
- InteropEHRate solutions for health research data-sharing – Stefano Dalmiani (Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monsterio, Italy)
- Sharing health data for research: Technical perspective – Gabor Bella (University of Trento, Italy)
- How does a citizen contribute to medical research? [VIDEO]- Vincent Keunen (Andaman7, Belgium)
- Health research data-sharing: Results summary – Stefano Dalmiani (Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monsterio, Italy)
Session 3: European health data sharing policies and the contribution of InteropEHRate
- European Health Data Space: Harnessing the power of health data for people, patients and innovation – Carole Rouaud (DG SANTE, European Commission)
- Enabling citizen-centred health ecosystems: Activating citizens through the power of data and technology – Francesco Torelli, InteropEHRate technical coordinator (Engineering, Italy)
Session 4: Implementing EHDS: InteropEHRate in support of National/Regional Health Authorities’ health data-sharing policies
- Semantic tools and methodology for healthcare data interoperability – Simone Bocca (University of Trento, Italy)
- Implementing the EHDS: InteropEHRate, PATHeD and beyond – Zoltán Lantos (PATHeD, Hungary)
Session 5. The road ahead: exploitation opportunities, impact assessment and governance of InteropEHRate
- Exploitation opportunities – Sotiris Athanassopoulos (BYTE, Greece)
- Governance model – Tino Martí (EHTEL)
- Socioeconomic Impact Assessment – Malte von Tottleben (empirica, Germany)