InteropEHRate gets in touch with international standardisation communities
To prepare adoption of upcoming profiles and APIs, InteropEHRate liaised 5th and 6th December with the German InterOP-Forum in Cologne.
InteropEHRate – represented by a team of Fraunhofer ISST Institute for Software and Systems Engineering (Dortmund, Germany) – joined on 5 and 6 December the German InterOP Forum*, a quarterly round table of standardisers in Health IT in close collaboration with HL7 Germany and IHE Germany.
InteropEHRate developments are guided by HL7 FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) with the main targets being:
- FHIR profile for EHR interoperability
- Remote protocol for EHR interoperability: peer-to-peer exchange among two specific nodes (z.B. S-EHR mobile APP and an EMR), and access to all health data of a citizen from federated EHRs/EMRs.
- D2D protocol for EHR interoperability: exchange among two near devices, on encrypted short range channel (NFC/Bluetooth)
- Protocol for research health data sharing: exchange of health data, on internet, between the S-EHR mobile APP and a Research Centre.
To prepare the later adoption of its profiles and APIs, InteropEHRate developers act in close collaboration to the relevant standardisation communities. The meeting in Cologne has been an initial step in this direction and will be followed up through future meetings of this and other interoperability related working groups and fora.
*Interoperabilitätsforum (German) is a collaboration of: