InteropEHRate Final Conference

Towards a citizen-centric health data sharing approach for care, research and beyond

The InteropEHRate Final Conference will be held on 28 September 2022 at the University of Liège, Belgium. It will bring together the knowledge and experience gained during the implementation of the project to improve health data sharing for care and research. 

The event will be hybrid allowing virtual and on-site participation of those interested in discussing how to advance towards a citizen-centric health data sharing approach. All attendees, both present on-site or connected virtually will have thus the opportunity to interact with the speakers and the audience.

The final conference’s main aim is to present InteropEHRate’s key results to an audience of multiple stakeholders that range from policymakers to different types of potential adopters including European, national, regional and local health authorities, healthcare providers, health research centres and health technology companies. 

If you want to attend in person or virtually, please register here.

For practical information about the venue, visit this page.


Wednesday, 28 September 2022

09.00 Welcome and general overview of the event

  • Christoph Klein (DG CNECT, European Commission)
  • Philippe Kolh (CHU Liège, Belgium)
  • Matteo Melideo, InteropEHRate project coordinator (Engineering, Italy)

09.15 Presentation of the InteropEHRate project

09.30 Session 1: InteropEHRate solutions for health care data-sharing

Presentation of InteropEHRate open protocols, interoperability profiles and solutions to securely exchange health data between healthcare providers and citizens in cross-border healthcare visits and in emergencies.

Panel discussion

11.00 Healthy break

11.15 Session 2: InteropEHRate solutions for health research data-sharing

Panel discussion

12.30 Lunch break

13.30 Session 3: European health data sharing policies and the contribution of InteropEHRate

Citizen access and sharing in the European Health Data Space, data altruism and how InteropEHRate can contribute.

Moderated panel discussion

14.30 Healthy break

14.45 Session 4: Implementing EHDS: InteropEHRate in support of National/Regional Health Authorities’ health data-sharing policies

15.45 Session 5. The road ahead: exploitation opportunities, impact assessment and governance of InteropEHRate

16.15 Closing remarks

  • Matteo Melideo, InteropEHRate project coordinator (Engineering, Italy)